About Us

Hi there! This is the official club TeenGirlz.com 's website. This is no more a mini-magazine, but a website for what's going on in the club, contests, interviews, gossip & whatsoever. However, the past two issues of the mini-magazine will not be deleted. So, I hope you enjoy your stay! See ya!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tips and Secrets

Hello there! For this issue, you will find out how patterns will effect your look/outfit. Stay tuned!

1.For short and fat people to look thin and tall
>You should wear something that has small patterns.
>Wearing clothes that has vertical lines is also a good way to look good!

2.For thin and tall people to look less thin and tall
> Wear clothes with big patterns to look bigger.
> Horizental lines will surely make you look short and bigger.

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